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Thursday, 22 April 2010

Update on new B uild at Rev.

Right so its been a little over a week since i last updated you on the new upstairs build at Revolution. Its been all go with the floor going down last tuesday which looks really good and certinaly makes it look so close to being finshed but theres still quite a bit to go. The glass came this week for the main windows and the windows in the staircase walls and looks really good. Were just waiting on the sliding glass for the other window and the glass for the door and thats the glass done.

Downstairs is pretty much done with the main climbing recpetion looking really good. The walls have been re painted and the stock has come back into the cabinets and above the reception desk. The old kitched has been transformed as well with the walls now plaster boarded and painted and given a good clean along with its own lights. It looks and works really well.

Hopefully it wont be to long before we can open it to the public. Its now just a case of touching up and finishing off a few more odd jobs as well as the glass then we are ready to get it signed off by the building regs.

On other news the new lead wall above the arch has started to be set with Rob and myself putting up four routes. The far left line is open now as a top rope line only and the other two lines are still out of action. As soon as we fix in the quickdraws and some metal supports for these two lines we are good to go. Hopefully this will be done in the next week. The routes explore both the vertical and horisontal parts of the new section with the easiest of the routes being a jug fest of yellow holds going straight through the roof and up over the yellow wall. The hardest moves are gaining the new yellow wall via a thin rock over. It wont be long till you guys can find out for yourself. Three more routes have been added to the left hand top rope line with a fierce yellow and blue route as well as a good 5+ red line that will put to practice your bridging abilities!!

UPDATE: There is now a fierce green route taking somewhat of a wandering line through the longest section of the roof and over to the new yellow wall. This was set by rope and require a lot of stamina and good finger strength to overcome the small pockets on the roof. Again we hope to have this open to you in the next week.

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